Multi-channel test tones
Multi-channel test tones
To play test tones on the DAC8x very recommend to use SoX.
play -n synth sine 100 sine 200 sine 300 sine 400 sine 500 sine 600 sine 700 sine 800
This will play a 8 different sine waves on the channels 1-8.
To record 8-channel audio, you can simply use arecord:arecord -D hw:0,0 -c "$channel_count" -r 48000 -f S32_LE -t wav -d 5 test-8channel.wav
You can run both at the same time. However, it is crucial that both input and output run with the same sample rate and sample format.
As SoX by default uses 48kHz and 32bit samples, these hav been set in the arecord command line.