Hexacreate for Beocreate


Hexacreate for Beocreate

Creator:  Alain Lowet

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Hexacreate is a simple hexagonal Volumio music player based on the HifiBerry BeoCreate board for music amplification. The speakers are connected through standard HP connection under the unit. The box dimension are hexagonal diameter 20 cm and houses the Hifiberry Beocreate board and the Raspberry Pi.

The goal was to create a design box that could easily fit in a living room, enabling me to remove my old hi-fi playing station. Power supply is external via a power supply 21v. Attention has been paid for the cable arrangement so that a minimal cabling can be seen from front of the unit.

The entire project was made using sketch and a Prusa printer with Prusament filament (Galaxy black and orange for my first box).

Print time +- 2 days for all the pieces Assembly: 1 hour

Last updated: October 29, 2019