

HifiZine Music Streamer Tutorial Based on Raspberry Pi 2/HiFiBerry Digi+

P1. PiFi - RaspBerry PI with HifiBerry DIGI - parts

HifiZine has published the first article in a series showing how to use the Hifiberry DIGI+ with Raspberrry PI 2 to make a music streamer. The article is called PiFi: How to Network your Mac music system with the Raspberry Pi and HiFiBerry—Part 1. “In this article, I’m going to take a bit of a right turn…” writes John Reekie, as he prepares to sort out a streaming music solution based on a $35, credit-card-sized computer. Add the HifiBerry DIGI+ digital interface board, a case, a power supply, a Wifi card…OK, for a bit over $100, “there’s no reason every Mac user shouldn’t just get one to play with.” Read the article here.

October 29, 2015

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